One stop solution for all your IT needs


IT Support

Tailored services that brings the business closer to the technology and improvise the technologies which are already in use..


Develop a Strategy

Technology when mixed with Science and Intelligence always yields great results. The support of Infrastructure when combined with the power of Data Sciences helps in boosting the productivity of the business.



Customer Satisfaction has always been our priority and we excel in this field with extended help being offered to our Customers. We make sure that we are in reach any time our Customers need our help and we are proud of it.



Securing the business and the data plays the cruicial role when you step into the world of technology. With your Business embracing the power tools to drive the results , we shield the Business with the latest security tools making sure that the pace and the integrity of the business is not affected by any malicious activities.

About Us

Top marketing agency & consult your website with us


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Samsolit technologies provide end-to-end Managed IT Services, with the technology solution you need to take your business to the next level.
We can support your existing IT team or provide you with a fully remote Service Desk to handle all of your IT needs.
We provide services to maintain, service and support everything IT-related for your business, from configuring new devices to maintaining connectivity and supporting your infrastructure and letting you focus on the other aspects of your business.
The right technology makes it possible for you and your employees to access the internet, communicate with each other, manage data transfers and maintain one or more websites which helps in the increase of productivity and happy work environment where the employees do not face any difficulty in carrying out their day to day tasks.
Well-managed IT is essential to the processes of marketing your products and/or services, managing sales and support for your customers, and completing all of the back-end administrative tasks related to inventory, data analysis and more.

Our Services

Discover What We Do & Offer To Our Clients

IT World

Small technical issues can some times cause great inconvenience and affect your productivity . We handle all your IT issues and upgrading your environment whenever required to keep you at par to the current market pace.

Website and Digital Marketing

Your digital pressence is a mandatory requirement in todays digital era where your customers find you and get to know about your company and services. We make sure that your online pressence is well maintained with your updates and acievements regularly updated to the customers via social media marketing or through targeted audience.

Office Startup / Relocation

We specialize in providing IT services to startup companies in which all of IT infrastructure is presented with every essential aspect covered for the business. We make relocation easy by taking care of all your IT equipment moved to designated areas by proper labelling and strategic planning.

Migrate to Cloud

Providing Cloud solutions with cost analysis and load balancing strategies which can improve the performance of your business and let you experience the vast benefits of cloud infrastructure.


With your Business embracing the power tools to drive the results , we shield the Business with the latest security tools making sure that the pace and the integrity of the business is not affected by any malicious activities.

Business Applications

With vast number of business applications comming into the market , we understand your requirement and get you onboard with the right business application which fits in your work environment and can boost your business productivity.

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